Monday, August 08, 2005
Happy or not ??todae i manage 2 tok 2 my frens bout sum SpSu stuff... get 2 noe the reason y i was being left out of the event i was mos enthu n favourite project, HU Bazzar. i didn't intend 2 blame them nor i wan 2 find out whu didn't wan mi inside of the Event Coordinator I/C post. there r a few reasons y i wasn't choosen.
The Reasons are as follow:
1. My Character
I hv a quite bad-temper n bad attitude tat leads 2 the first reason i wasn't
chosen. Cos as a I/C, i mus set a gd example in front of my events team.If i
get angry or frustrated it means my team will lose respect of mi and tat's
spells trouble 4 my event.
2. Responsibility
As an I/C, i mus be responsible enough 2 take care of my team mates welfare n oso
make sure tat they accomplish the work tat i allocated 4 them 2 do. I mus oso
update either the chairman or vice-chairman wat mi n my team hv done. If there
is any cock up in the event or the if my team r not producing results, i hv 2 ans
2 the chairman the reasons.
3. Popularity
Although, i noe quite a number of ppl in Spsu but a number if them r jus hi
n bye frens. onli quite a few of them r realli my gd frens. As a result, alot of
ppl doe noe mi so they doe noe how i work so there is a suspense in their minds.
it will be a risk if they choose mi.
4. Follower
As Jia Hui(Spsu), my fren has told mi tat 1 of the reasons is tat i was a more of
a follower rather den a leader so tat leads 2 another reason. As u need 2 lead
the whole Events team, u require the leadership skils 2 lead n guide them.
My Conclusion
I acknowledge n accept the above reasons. i can only blame myself 4 tat cos i noe
i had already tried my best 2 prove myself n my ability. I am jus sad but not
disappointed tat i wasn't choosen. Somehow i noe tat the chances of mi being
choosen is veri low but i mus realli thank the ppl whu supported mi if there
r any. i knew tat after RDC my time Spsu will cum 2 an end. i dare not expect
myself 2 get choosen 4 any of the events in Spsu. It is the end of this era of
mine in Spsu apart from jus helpin out in doin sum odd jobs or sum events tat
might need helpers. but if there is other reasons tat i can't accept like being
prejudiced or biased i dun think i will accept it. i can onli sae tat i jus
'sway' lorz... bo bian mahz i dun realli like 2 por ppl or go do things i dun
like jus 2 get wat i wan. Anywae, for information, i will not let this event of
mine tat i hv worked hard in last time 2 fall or go 'hay-wire'. i will be
back again if there is help or advice needed or i think tat i should step in.
other den tat i dun think so lahz... haha Wat i can sae now is tat all the best 2
this year's HU event coordintors' this yr. Better do a gd job man. HU events
daryL BeckhaM blogged at 4:47 PM