Monday, August 08, 2005
Openinwohoo!!! BeCkHaM's blog is back online man... yahz MST is over... finally... wonder how well did i fare 4 my papers... scared sia... anywae wat's done has been done...
anywae... after goin 2 PA todae, mr low gave mi somethin 2 do... he ask mi 2 coordinate the ppl 4 the mooncake festival performance on the 16th n 18th of sept outside esplanade. anywae, was wonderin y mr low gave mi this responsibility instead of others... wonder wat's his idea this time ?? nvm lahz... i dun mind n i think it's not goin 2 be tat hard lahz... take it as a challenge lorz...
other den tat mr low oso mention tat he is havin a workshop on sept 4 if i nv hear wrongly n he ask us wat is singapore dance ?? wat is it n how it can be done ?? he oso mention sum stuff bout cheography oso... well it seems like sumthin 2 link with singapore n ask us 2 cum up with a dance but under expert supervision... anywae i think i attendin tat workshop ba n i think it's time 4 mi 2 start on my 'idea'... anywae tat 'idea' got link wat mr low said bout singapore dance. time 4 serious work i guess be4 handin 2 zhongyi 4 comments n checkin be4 i hand it 2 mr low...
i am not pinnin alot of hope 2 it but i will do my best 4 my first time... now still lookin 4 ideas n has been observin n searchin n abit of it has been done...i hope 2 learn more through this 'idea'. it may not be a 100% success but i put my best 4 it...
daryL BeckhaM blogged at 1:42 AM

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