Saturday, October 28, 2006
Back Again!!!Well... I'm back again 2 blog. haha... Sorry 2 those whu came visitin my blog but seeing the same post poppin out everytime. Been rather busy these few weeks. Wanted to get the club going and stuff. Very tired man actually. Not a easy job. Too busy tat i couldn't spare much time doin other stuff. Lost touch with nhds liao... haiz... I noe that they are preparin 4 the open house and also the upcomin syf.. doe noe whether i still got time 2 spare 2 help them out..
Now oso helpin 107 4 their soccer games. Well... i took this job basically 2 train myself maybe 4 the future and of cos helpin the kids to improve their game. I luv the enthusiasm and passion they hv 4 the game but it's also not a easy job. I dealin with a bunch of defiant and stubborn kids. Havin quite a tough time controllin them at times. tend to be not cooperative at times which lead 2 a slump in morale and team spirit in the team.
The gals in the class r veri supportive of their guys but I doe noe y I had this problem where they keep whinin and complainin infront of mi and behind mi.. I had problems concentratin and oso makin decisions. yes they r veri enthu n worried but dun cum 2 mi makin alot of noise n scoldin mi. I not sayin u all r bad lahz but u all should control yur emotions at times. As much as I doe wan 2 spoil yur mood 4 the game I hope u all cooperate with mi if not I may hv 2 make some decisions tat I hv 2. Guys of u all mus trust my judgements and put yur effort and play the game. You all wan the best out of the team n u all dun cooperate with mi. If u all hv any problems with ur positions tell mi personally. No point complainin 2 yur classmates cos they hv not much sae in the game but I do, so tell mi instead. Dun be afraid 2 approach mi. It's okie. I hope we all will perform better this time round. Let's jus hope at least.
SPSYC is going through a tough and difficult period now.. I hope we can pull through this time round n succeed. I hope u all can understand my position n my decisions. Attendance 4 trainin wasn't optimistic at all these few weeks. I hope it improves. I noe sumtimes u all r tired and sianz. The pressure and stress from studies has caused yur attendance 2 slump. But try 2 make the effort to make it for trainin whether it's land trainin or water trainin. If u all 1 2 do well for sailin den u all should spent more effort to come 4 trainin. If not how do u all improve ? I doe wan force u all 2 cum cos I understand how u all feel at times and I think u all r old enough 2 think 4 yurselves. I shall not sae much. The rest is all up 2 u all liao... I will still do my best 4 the club though but I hv my limitations too. Tat's all 4 todae.. Hope I can still post more often. haha.. Cya!!!
daryL BeckhaM blogged at 7:25 AM