Monday, June 05, 2006
Hahahaa... Well.....So... rarely blog now liao... Getting more busy now with sch work and SPSYC. BSC cumin up... the club's goin well now, things goin our way and freshies r doing quite well. Quite stressed sometimes when it comes to matters where u hv 2 decide who should i listen to or should i sae listen 2 both n cum up with own decision instead of chossin 1 out of the 2... Quite sianz lahz... being a President sometimes is not easy lahz... U hv 2 account 4 everythin u do n wat yur comittee behaves n how well yur club is doin... It's not easy man but it's not impossible it can be done... but i hv been wonderin how... i can't please every1... sum 1 has 2 give way... i hope tat they wun stubborn n be open 2 options lahz... there r 101 ways of doin things... not necessary yur way is the right 1... well...
Anywae was quite disappointed with sum ppl out there... i miss them actually but i dun think they noe n i dun intend 2 let them noe... i think they might be too young lahz but after all. But i get shit always when i tried 2 cover them 4 doin somethin... when the others tok bad bout them sometimes i felt helpless cos i doe noe how 2 help them... it's quite shitty at times... quite dulan man... but no doubt i still care lahz... Sianz...
Wanted 2 help out nhds n DI 4 their performances n ndp but sometimes i can't help it lehz... there is work to be done over at SPSYC... i would love to help lahz but sometimes i can't help it lahz... like sometimes jie yim will sae it's gd not be around 4 a period of time n let those whu take u 4 granted to actually realise how dear n important u r 2 them...
Well shall not tok bout this lahz... it's time 4 mi 2 rest now... my calf muscles r injured have wait 4 it 2 heal man... might take quite long 2 heal. injured during trainin on sailin on sundae... hv 2 do some physiotherapy lorz... hahahahaha...
daryL BeckhaM blogged at 7:53 AM

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