Monday, September 12, 2005
Should They Be Given A Second Chance ???Well i'm back bloggin again... Finally rite ?? haha... went to pa todae cos there is no sailing todae... den the ones performin nxt week r practicin their items... so the others practice 'gao qiao' which in other words stilts... there were 6 of them on the stilts... 2 from crescent n 4 from nhds... the 4 of them r sec 1 gals... haiz... the ones tat i feel cannot make it 1... character n attitude wise... i think they sux sumtimes... but u noe... a person mus try 2 adapt to the different environment n ppl sumtimes... taught them gao qiao todae n managed 2 tok 2 them... i should sae they hv 2 watch how they tok sumtimes... somehow their character were abit similar 2 mine 4 the fact tat we dun watch how we express our words... i think this is sumthin we ought 2 change or it might jus harm us... although it takes time 2 teach them... i learnt tat they r not tat bad after all... it's the same feelin tat i had with the sec 3s... well... i might not wan it 2 happen but i dun rule out the possibility of it happenin again... i dun noe... maybe time will decide... i still haven noe them well yet... everythin might not be the way i wan it... but i still feel tat there is still abit of hope but not hopeless... hope they wun prove mi wrong... they r jus being over playful n childish at times... As 1 of the 4 asked mi y am i n zhongyi fierce 2 them at times?? well i feel tat we hv 2 uphold our status as seniors so we shouldn't be too nice too them... while practisin their gao qiao outside the studio... i was quite fierce 2 them... the reason i am the 1 teachin them so i hv 2 care bout their learnin n safety, moreover mr low isn't around 2 guide them... i treat them abit like my students although they r not... they r mr low's students n so am i... he made mi like something tat i couldn't believe i could make a impact on... dance... so mus i oso make them hv the feelin tat i hv in mi... should they be given a second chance 2 prove themselves ??? should i train them to be wat they should be ??? i doe noe ??? alot mus be considered 2 make this decision...
daryL BeckhaM blogged at 3:13 AM