Tuesday, July 12, 2005
yahz... it's mi always...so it's my fault lahz... can't realli be bothered but cannot lahz... keep naggin bout it...haiz... sianz... doe noe wat's wrong with mi lahz...
wak tokin on the fone with jx, den my mum sae y cum back early nv keep clothes, when i actually did jus tat in the afternoon be4 goin sch... jus tat those on my rack r clothes tat r dried this evenin... sianz... so she scold mi back lorz... dulan here n there lorz... scold here n there lorz... worst thing i dun hv money now... it's in my mum's cupboard... chia lat liao... hv 2 last the whole day lehz... got 2 revise maths so hv 2 eat in sch den at nite got cs(community service) den hv 2 eat out... sianz... at least need 10 bucks lehz...
think i realli 1 2 quarrel mehz ??? it's jus mi lahz... they dun noe... my voice may be loud at times but i dun mean it... wan 2 noe y ?? i found out tat i hv dum difficulties hearin things at times... den i will tend 2 tok loudly at times when i didn't realise tat i actually tokin veri loud... think i wan this ?? haiz...
still the sae lehz... i still can't concentrate pn my studies... i still skip, cum late n dun do tutorials... SHIT MAN!!! i'm think i'm realli in deep shit now... jus tat sumtimes i doe wan 2 bother ppl so jus kept things 2 myself... i noe i dun like this course n tat i'm jus gettin this diploma 4 the sake of my future... i realli 1 2 put in my effort 2 jus study n do well... my class ppl r doin well but not mi...
it's nv nice 2 be in the same class with yr 1s... i dun mean anythin bad but the fact tat i dun feel rite lahz n tat they r smarter den mi or sumtimes i being left out... i dun blame them... it's not their fault at all... jus blame myself 4 failin maths 1B lorz... SIANZ rite ?? hope all these wun spoil yur day... if it does so sorri... i jus somehow relievin my stress...
guess tat i jus hv 2 push myself 2 study like how i push my juniors 2 dance properly... i hv 2 do this 2 myself torture myself in order 2 get things done... guess this shall be the rite way ba 4 now... No choice... CHIONG AR!!!
daryL BeckhaM blogged at 8:41 AM

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