Monday, July 25, 2005
RAPTUREPai seh hor every1 long time nv update blog liao... anywae on saturday, i went 4 rapture( an SAJC concert by SAJC dance society. i got the ticket by zhongyi and i went becos my cousin is performin in 1 of the alumni items called 'Ash Child' cos i wasn't interested in this kind of dance anywae but jus went 4 exposure n see wat kind of dance actually they r dancin.
During the performance, not onli i was watchin how the dancers dance but on other aspects like their props, lightings and how the audience react 2 their items. firstly, i mus sae their dancers r not lousy at all, technically, they r good n they smile alot 2 attract their audience. they hv alot of gd dancers in their society too. so in a sense tat i feel tat their choreographer emphasise alot on their dancers rather den other aspects cos i notice tat they rarely spent effort on their props n lightings. maybe they find it a hassle to hv many props ?? i doe noe ??
But from this concert, i learnt quite abit of things too, so it's not a wasted trip after all...
1. i should try 2 expose myself to different performances like rapture
2. i mus accept tat sumtimes we can't force things to be the way we want it... they
might be happy if jus dun force them 2 do the things they doe wan 2... like my
cousin's case i hv 2 accept tat we r 2 different kind of dancers.
3. i should be happy tat i hv mr low as my instructor, tat not onli he teaches mi
how 2 dance which he claimed he is not, he teaches mi other stuff too which
other ppl didn't hv the chance 2...
4. now i noe tat gals can live without guys... y ?? look at the sa's dacne items...
i dun think the guys r dancin at all lorz.. they r jus a prop bein used in the
dance( no offence but tat's how i feel lahz)
5. the difference between a dancer n a performed explained by zhongyi.
After the performance went out with zhongyi to chinatown 4 supper den later zhenyu joined us. took quite a long time 2 go there shall not elaborate on tat... anywae,i actually told zhongyi tat 1 of the performances in rapture was actually 1 of the idea tat i had in mind a month or two ago... it's bout how students behave in sch in recent years. abit like qi cai xue tang but it's a modern dance... quite suprisin tat it's a modern dance rite ?? haha... i oso abit suprised but the thing is tat should i continue with this idea or should i jus 4get it since it's not within my means 2 choreograph a dance item n will there actually be ppl interested in participatin( anywae i dun need ppl whu r gd in dancin in this item)... anywae time shall decide everythin lahz...
daryL BeckhaM blogged at 2:01 AM

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