Thursday, July 07, 2005
izzit a disappointment or ???So long nv post liao sum of the ppl whu visits my blog confirm will dulan y nv update 1 rite... anywae yahz i now post liao... been 2 a few places 2 buy things this week n go do community service....
Anywae shall touch on the topic now... been discussin these with a few of my close frens n i hv made my conclusion.but first some background.
On sundae, nh went to sentosa 4 a performance n alot of things happen there be4 they n after they perform.
1. elephant came late 2 open the door
2. elephant went 2 lock the gate tat made mr low 2 climb the gate n the bus
coulldn't enter. HOW SMART RITE ??
3. elephant scolded male committe members 4 no apparent reaons
(some examples)
- scolded juncheng 4 not greetin her
- scolded jeremy 4 askin permission 2 open the gate
4. it rained when they reach there 4 not long
5. elephant n CO. start grumblin over things on students
6. the stage was slippery
1. everythin was chaotic instructions were either not carried out, not given or were
2. elephant n CO. actually allow students 2 go hm from there
3. important ppl actually got missing
- ppl carryin valuables
- ppl whu actually r in charge in sumthin
4. students start 2 go missing without sayin whether they r leavin with the bus or
5. the EXCOS got veri confused
6. the buses had 2 wait 4 irresponsible ppl
Based on these problems myself or CO. had made a few comments:
1. elephant mus change her way of din things be4 the students start protestin against her
2. students better wake up their idea man!!! stop making things difficult n be irresponsible
3.elephant and CO. hv 2 take much of the blame 4 the mishap tat had happen
4. EXCOS mus be vigilant against her n CO.
5. start to think of a suitable teacher in charge
6. be prepared for the worst always
Meanwhile, another event was happenin over the other side at media corp, DI n tanglin combine to present a wushu performance. overall, it was okie n everythin was okie but jus a few comments tat i hv 2 sae. for first timers whu actually performed wushu these is the kind of trainin we go through but sad 2 sae wat u gone through is not the worst. so be prepared. this is the kind of trainin we go through. i understand tat the time was a constrain n was abit rush but u all did quite well.
based on the performance, overall they all did quite a gd job but discipline was abit lackin at times especially on wednesday itself.
1. Punctuality
we should try 2 not 2 be late 4 performances or if we r meetin each other to go 4
performances, especially when there is transport provided.
2. Attitude
i'm not tryin 2 shoot any1 here but in any case i'm sorri... i feel tat sum of u
got sum problems communcatin with us.If let sae a person from from DI whu is
older den u he/she advise u or tell u sumthin pls dun give a negative reply or
bad attitude. we dun owe u a livin. somehow we got our reasons 4 tellin u wat u
did wrong or otherwise. there is a few cases i've heard or been through tat i
think tat'S Y i hv 2 stress this n pls show R.E.S.P.E.C.T 2 mr low,da huimin
jie jie n those whu r older den u...
3. Behaviour
i noe tat u all excited tat u all r goin 2 mediacorp tat u all r goin 2 see
superstars or idols. No1 blame u 4 tat but pls restrain yurself sumtimes
especially when mr low or sum1 is addressin every1 n give tat person yur full
respect. Pls dun turn yurself away from the 1 whu is tokin when a media corp
artiste pass by or even comment. i even noe tat u all commented when mr low tok 2
vincent ng. come on lahz both of them r wushu experts. wat's the big deal man!!!
wah biang!!! n i oso noe tat zhongyi commented on a few of u all bu sum of u gave
the replies tat u all shouldn't hv lorz... i dun think it's gd even if u dun like
him( 1 of u even reply " izzit yur business ?? y mus u meddle with our business)
i am exceptionally disappointed with this reply n it actually came from sum1
whom i think has potential.:(
4. Responsibility
y i mention this is becos i think tat sum of u dun hv enough responsibility. first
u all r responsible 4 yur own things like costume n accessories. not wait till
ppl or mr low 2 tell u wat 2 do... another point if u r unclear bout yur wushu
actions or anythin 2 do with the performance pls be responsible enough 2 ask sum1
2 help u not till when during rehearsal time u can't do the actions or the timin
is wrong or wait till mr low flare up or scold u... if u r being assigned 2 do
sumthin or take charge of sumthin pls noe wat 2 do n ask if u dunno not wait till
ppl remind u things tat u hv been told. n dun even push responsibility to others
unless u r real busy. U hv 2 stay alert of wat 2 do n when 2 do it.
Basically this is wat i hv 2 sae lorz... i'm quite disappointed this time not becos i hv high expectations or wat but the main reason is tat sum of the ppl whu has these problems r ppl whu r actually ppl whu i'm quite close 2. i'm not expectin u all 2 do miracles or wat but at least behave yurself n try 2 help others when u hv 2... haiz... doe noe how lahz... jus DISAPPOINTED with u all n hope tat these ppl can improve n realise tat things r not in their favour. remember this: no1 owes u a livin... u r responsible 4 yur own livin n yur actions... NO1 DOES!!!
daryL BeckhaM blogged at 11:36 AM

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