Monday, June 20, 2005
SpSutodae was the postin of results of the 46th coucil of SPSU. was rather suprised with the results but anywae it's okie lahz... hope this council will be better lorz... 2 of my children was choosen in the council. xin ru went into social committee although she wanted publication but i think social better 4 her lahz as in since she can get along with ppl well y not ?? summore she is under my gd fren desmond n there is oso jia hui 2 take care of her. should be okie lahz... jus afraid tat she couldn't take the pressure or sum 'ppl' might take advantage of her. hope she will learn 2 be more alert n learn more skills in this council. jeff went into human resource committee although he applied 4 sports. but of cos i'm glad he got into HR lahz. at least he can still prove himself lorz... abit weird tat he got in HR cos quite weird lahz.. his more 2 sports or social kind of person. but anywae i wish all the best 2 the both of them. Hope they will learn more n take gd care of themselves. of cos not forgettin my other kids of EPIRUS. hope tat we can at least keep in contact n do cum down n hang around in union. study hard n take care. hope 2 see u all soon...
daryL blogged
daryL BeckhaM blogged at 7:50 AM

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